• Saturday, November 13, 2010

    Mind Power Secrets- How To Power Up The Subconscious Mind

    By Daniella Weaver

    Did you know the subconscious mind creates your thoughts and actions every minute of every day? No matter what it is, everything originates from the subconscious mind. So if you want to make a change in your life, just by sending instructions to the subconscious mind you can make it happen. All you have to do is take advantage of the mind power secrets available today.

    Unfortunately, these instructions can be both negative and positive. Mind power secrets are built to help you use the subconscious mind in the right way. It allows you to have complete control. Today we want to share a few of them with you.

    First, an understanding of how our brains operate is fundamental. The brain has four frequency ranges which are:

    * Beta: The highest and active state usually when we feel stressed.

    * Alpha- This state is a more relaxed one, but you still have a form of consciousness

    * Theta: The state of high relaxation and drowsiness usually right before we fall asleep.

    * Delta: The state of total body relaxation and deep sleep.

    These ranges can be utilized to train the subconscious mind, because it never sleeps. Even when your physical body is sound asleep, the subconscious mind is taking commands from the conscious mind or playing on the memories stored. In order to harness the power of our minds, meditation and binary beat software are two mind power secrets that are used.


    Most people have already heard of meditation before, but never really understood how it works. Those who use it do so in order to get rid of negativity or the high level of stress they've accumulated throughout the day. When you use this technique you will be able to clear your mind and provide the subconscious mind with a positive outlook. We recommend doing this everyday and for at least 10 minutes. If you do the results will be magnificent.

    Binary Beats Software

    Binary beats is modern technology that effectively assists the brain into the lower frequency ranges of alpha and theta. Once in these lower ranges, we can then begin to train our subconscious. This technology generally comes in mp3 and cd's. It can be used to reprogram the mind to remove negative thoughts, improve creativity, get rid of addictions, relieve stress, improve health, improve finances and more.

    There are many other mind power secrets that are being used on a daily basis by people wanting to take control and transform their lives. Some are more involved while others are simply reciting back positive affirmations to ourselves. The point, however, is to realize that you can control your subconscious mind into giving you anything you want.

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