• Thursday, November 18, 2010

    Get An Easy Place To Stay Very Soon

    By Diana Morales

    Apartment homes which do not require credit history checks are a terrific discovery for those who have invested lots of time looking for a rental, but who are inevitably turned away following a landlord's examination of their credit history. It's easy to get discouraged when looking for an apartment when this keeps happening to you, but take heart. In fact, when your credit score is the make-or-break factor in your apartment application being approved, there are some steps you can take to increase the likelihood that you will have a new place to live.

    If you have been considering a move in the future, first thing to do is see what you're dealing with by reviewing your credit card report. You can request that the credit bureau, if possible, correct any mistakes that you discover on the report. After you've made sure to correct any mistakes that might be on your report, you'll also want to create a letter of explanation for situations that occurred and given you a less than stellar credit record. You'll want to take this information with you when you start looking for new housing so you'll have it available for landlords you're interviewing with.

    Remember that the individuals who rent apartments are human beings with feelings. It is likely that you will find at least a few sympathetic landlords able to understand the past circumstances that contributed to your credit situation. And because you took the iniative to create an action plan which included restoring your credit to the best of your ability, many of these individuals will view your application favorably. Your letter of explanation will be well received, too.

    The bottom line is that a property owner or manager is primarily concerned with your ability to meet your monthly rental obligation. They would also prefer that you did not own a 150 pound dog and throw loud parties every weekend, but let's face it... these people own and operate a business from which they expect to profit. It makes sense to assemble all evidence of current income in advance, so that you can prove to the landlord that you will have no difficulty making your rent payments.

    You can also get a letter of recommendation from your present landlord stating that your rent was always paid on time and in full each month to further plead your case. It would also make some extra points in your favor if your landlord comments on the excellent care you give to your rental property.

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